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LAWYERS WITHOUT BORDERS is a network of lawyers and professionals, at national and European level, it is a non-profit organization established at the initiative of the Movement for Justice Robin Hood, which may also participate, jurisperitus, technical consultants, accountants, notaries, translators, social workers, doctors, teachers, ordinary citizens, students and volunteers.

The Italian structure is intended to protect with the necessary firmness and moral courage the so-called "negative rights" of the weakest, against any form of abuse of public administration and / or private entities in a dominant position, contributing to the growth of legality and deontological ethics of the legal profession, whose nobility is too often overshadowed by behaviours that are not always marked by professional loyalty, namely the widespread weakness of the Councils of the Order, unable to escape from the dominant idea and, in general, closer to the interests of power and corporations than to those of the community. For this purpose, in every region, we are trying to find adequate funding and collaborations to open the doors of "SOS JUSTICE ", to respond to the increasingly widespread need of justice and legality, according to the multiple cases that are reported to us, from all over the country is in civil, criminal and administrative office.

The counters S.O.S. JUSTICE offer, free of charge, only to associates, legal guidance and necessary assistance to needy people. This activity is carried out by professionals as volunteers, and includes: free telephone consulting and case assessment, study and classification of legal documents; identification of most suitable remedies, actions on the bodies and parts of the proceedings, technical legal assistance, through the participation of lawyers in civil, criminal and administrative cases; writing of instances of legal aid, writing appeals to European Court of Human Rights, advocacy and intervention on the case of the Association, where the case is of public interest.

If it is necessary to formalize a legal relationship between the assisted person and a defender, only after the registration to the Movement for Justice Robin Hood and the preliminary assessment of the case, the Association provides its members just the name of one of lawyers members specialized on the subject upon request and available at the time. Otherwise, it will not be given information nor disclosed the names of lawyers for privacy reasons.

To guarantee impartiality and independence of the network of Lawyers without Borders, the Association membership takes place through the payment of 52.00 Euros (ordinary share) as a fee, or where it is required advice and other assistance, through the payment of the minimum amount of 250.00 Euros . Just in the case of a victorious outcome Associate agrees to pay at the end at least 10% of the income in order to contribute to the self-funding of the Association.

To ensure Associate and for better a management and understanding of the case is also requested a brief report of the facts, which steps are, as examplew, in the application form for reporting your case. Click here to download the application form in PDF format, otherwisew click here to communicate your case directly online.

The Associate may also publish its case directly on line on a map of malagiustizia in Italy, unless the reserve for the staff to make changes and to finally approve publishing. Sending email through the application form and case report is the preliminary and unavoidable precondition to get in touch with the Association, which only after receiving and examinating the acts will promptly fix an appointment with one of its Legal advisors, who will give an advice on the case upon request. As for the new legal members, in accordance with the statute purposes of the Association, before being placed effectively in the Network of Lawyers Without Borders, they must commit to provide coverage at no charge for at least two cases in one year. For this reason, the lawyer undertakes to follow the cases assigned to him in collaboration with the Association (which in the most emblematic cases and the ones of social interest, reserves the right to bring civil proceedings) and to carry on the activities on the basis of minimum tariff, taking into account the economic conditions of the Associate and any of the defensive information received from the Associate himself and / or from the Association.

Citizens have-nots, at the conditions of the law, may be admitted to practice at the expense of the State and once provided the necessary information may appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where they have experienced, unsuccessfully, all domestic remedies. Lawyers can help to promote any initiative deemed useful in their local region, aimed to publicize activities such as conferences, seminars and courses for self-defence lawyer, on ethics and environmental protection, law health, housing, employment, security and peace, or to provide models, documents, bibliography, and what is necessary to raise awareness on the issue of human rights. For lawyers in the network, after registering, you can use the online service, that is almost completed, in real time to know the causes available in the area, divided by subject, in order to signal their availability. Individuals wishing to request the assistance of Lawyers Without Borders network can register them, after sending, by fax to 02/36582658, the application form and paying the membership fee that can be downloaded from the site. Currently we are not able to cover the whole country and to follow, without exception, all cases reported by the members, , because of the huge amount of requests from all over Italy, to our regret we are forced to give priority to the most emblematic and social significance cases. Nevertheless, we invite people, in need of protection, not to lose hope, and to send a short e-mail reporting the incident using the reporting form that, if well documented, we will publish on the web pages maps of malagiustizia in Italy and in our online magazine www.lavocedirobinhood.it

However, the development of network of Lawyers Without Borders and the ability to extend the service, affirming the right of access to justice and defence of all citizens depend largely on the level of participation in this initiative, namely the sensitivity of users to concretely share the ideals of the Association and the realization that the hoped-for momentous shift in the relationship between rulers and subjects, must give effect to the principle of equality before the law, it can only be created through a revolution of conscience and a strong popular pressure.